Understanding the lives of Chamba Chappal Craftspeople, the system they work in, and to find leverage points.
WHAT was the outcome (Click on link to view)
Research Paper [in progress]
Giga-map poster
System interventions [coming soon]

User Research, Interaction Design, System Mapping,
guided by
Prof. Dr. Varsha Gupta
Prof. Stuti Bisen
Introduction to Chamba
Chamba, a town nestled within the Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, India. Established around 920 AD, the town hums with a population of over 20,000 residents, all residing at a comfortable elevation of 3,301 feet.

The town boasts numerous temples and palaces, each whispering tales of the past. These architectural marvels stand as testaments to the artistic and cultural heritage of the region.

The vibrant spirit of Chamba further explodes during the town’s two popular jatras (fairs) - the Suhi Mata Mela and the Minjar Mela.

What we did
Undertook a week long ethnographic study in Chamba, Himachal Pradesh in order to understand the craft of Chamba Chappal, the people who make it and the system it all exists in.

Research Process
We conducted semi-structured one-on-one interviews with our artisans in their workspaces, and documented it via written notes, video, audio and photography.
For ethnographic study we visited the stores, the workshops and the house of the artisans to understand their social setting, the way they work and to observe them in their places of work and living.​​​​​​​

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